

The project aim - three month long pre-accelerator program for impact driven entrepreneurs. Participants of the pre-accelerator will receive mentorship, education and skill development while developing their business solutions.


Launch Day presentation - Pure Birds

Project objectives

  • Integrate pre-accelerator program into study process
  • Create possibilities for students to adapt theoretical knowledge in real successful businesses


Project activities

  • The program is free and no equity is taken
  • Different ‘real time’ experience: real problems; interactive process; global support; teamwork
  • Exclusive network of dedicated mentors, problem owners and global solution champions
  • Learning how to build an impact driven business is good not only for you, but also good for others and for the environment
  • Developing your own skills and expertise: learn startup methods, new business models based on business model canvas, be the master of your own destiny
  • Certificates & Award



Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park

Pure Birds


Vilnius University

Baltic environmental Forum Lithuania 

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

VU Business School

Enterprise Lithuania

MITA - Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology


Lithuanian innovation center


Knowledge economical forum